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Daiana Balota

After 5 years of failed IVF tests and protocols, the meeting with Andreea helped my body to accept the pregnancy and to have a successful birth of my children.  I am now the happiest mother of two beautiful souls!

My story

"My name is Daiana and I am 28 years old. 5 years ago my husband and I decided we wanted to have a child. Things did not go exactly as we imagined and the pregnancy was delayed.  I started the investigation by going through the offices of many doctors, all telling me that everything was normal because I was young and to be patient. Eventually, I went to an infertility doctor I discovered that my fallopian tubes were not permeable and the only way to get pregnant was to fertilize in vitro (IVF).  There followed 4 years of testing in which we did 3 in vitro fertilizations and 9 embryo transfers.


After the last IVF transfer (embryo transfer), the results of the tests were again at a negative level, just identical to the other protocols made over time. When the results of the analysis were low, my body always rejected pregnancy. I was extremely affected, I felt that I would not succeed and I would not ever have a chance to be a mother.  Medically speaking, the doctors had no explanation. I had decided to give up, I was physically exhausted and emotional. A friend guided me to Andreea. He told me that it would be an energy balancing of thbody. I said yes, because I would have tried anything. After the last protocol in which the analyses had come out very bad, I started the first meeting with Andreea. I received the results on Wednesday and on the same week  I had my first meeting on Friday. On Monday, I did the tests again and to my great surprise, but especially to my doctor who was following my pregnancy, the level of the tests increased surprisingly, reaching the minimum necessary. Immediately on Tuesday I had another meeting with Andreea, and on Wednesday my test levels increased to the optimal parameters. It was a dream like I couldn't believe what was happening ... and my doctor was amazed!


Since then, things have gone well for me and my family. The task was easy and  The surprise came at the first ultrasound ecography when I found out that I was the mother of two twins: a boy and a girl.


Sometimes our chance and openness change the course of our lives. Thanks a lot to Andrea, and I think you

contributed a lot to the fulfillment of my dream of becoming a mother."

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