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Whenever one energy field interacts with another energy field, both fields are affected and therefore changed. With solid objects, these changes are subtle, but still real.


Think of the energy world as a huge ocean with currents flowing through the ocean. When you place a shape in the path of a stream, the stream must then move around the shape, affecting its flow. 


Using the principles of Biogeometry will beneficially influence the energies that pass through your home or body, adding a special harmonizing quality to them, so that your body can maintain its natural balance and implicitly health and well-being.


Just like our response to a piece of art or a well-designed home, we can feel the difference when our bodies are in harmony, balanced. Our response to balance can be measured by brain wave testing.


Biogeometry was founded by the Egyptian architect and scientist Dr. Ibrahim Karim

(D.Sc./Dipl.Arch.-ETH, Zurich) after more than 40 years of research. Dr. Karim's groundbreaking research has identified a unique energetic effect found in the energy centers of all living systems. The natural function of this energetic effect is to balance or center the various energetic qualities or effects within any living system. This energetic centering effect is detected through three specific energetic qualities that it manifests and has been named BG3.


Biogeometry uses patented shapes-biosignatures, which interact with the body's peripheral energy fields, to amplify the presence of this highly beneficial BG3 energy quality, as well as to harmonize energetic interactions with the environment.


Using specific principles, techniques and biosignatures, we can restore the balance, well-being and health of the space and of our own body.




The biogeometry session lasts 50 minutes and takes place remotely, online or offline.

A short discussion related to the health aspects that want to be balanced is necessary, as well as a brief presentation of the way of working.


The beneficial effects can be manifested instantly or at a certain moment in time, being variable depending on the person, condition, level of chronicity, etc.


After the session, the client will receive a personalized document with the specific biosignatures indentificate  (issuer) to print and instructions for use.

Body Code


The body is made up of pure energy. Every organ, tissue, and cell is made up of energy, and so are the non-physical aspects of yourself.  Thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions — are also made up of energy. When viewed from this standpoint, you can see how important energetic balance is to your overall health, and just how easy it really is to effect change.

Energy healing is a broad term used to describe a variety of holistic healing techniques that use the natural mind-body connection to promote emotional and physical well-being. By accessing, channeling, balancing, and manipulating the body’s natural energy centers, energy healing processes may help support health.


What is BODY CODE ?

The Body Code was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson of Discover Healing.

The Body Code encompasses an amazing wide range of possible trapped energies well beyond trapped emotion releases of the Emotion Code, that may affect your daily life on many levels. Trapped energies can be anything from environmental toxins, general buzzing in your organs, saboteurs, curses, cords and more. 

Release Trapped Energies in the Body - Find the trapped energies creating pain and dysfunction. Trapped energies (yours or inherited) of toxins, nutrient needs, saboteurs, emotions, or energies trapped in your organs, body systems or bones can create havoc.

The result can be anything - body wide pain, localized pain, frozen shoulder, to teeth grinding, to stomach and digestion issues, and more.

The principle of "Anything can cause anything" And the results are most of the times incredible!

Your body has an incredible, innate ability to bounce back and heal itself from all kinds of stress, trauma and illness.  This self-healing ability is dependent on the right conditions.  If your body is imbalanced, it won’t be able to heal itself as well as it should.  Imbalances allow problems to build up over time.


There are imbalances in six areas may be the underlying causes of all disease…


  • Energies – Trapped emotions, internalised traumas and other emotional energies.


  • Systems and Circuitry – The organs, glands, muscles, body systems and the connections between them.


  • Toxicity – Polluting heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation, medical and environmental toxins and more


  • Pathogens – Fungal, bacterial, viral, mould and parasitic invaders that create havoc with our cells


  • Structural – The bones, nerves and connective tissue and their alignment to support function.


  • Nutrition and Lifestyle – The food we eat, including herbs and nutrients, exercise and personal needs.


How does it work?


Your subconscious mind is the ultra intelligent computer system of your body. It knows exactly what you need in order to achieve balance in the six key areas of health.

We use specific questioning, charts and muscle testing to get precise answers from your subconscious mind about imbalances in your body that need to be addressed.

Once an imbalance is found, a therapeutic magnet or simply the hand  is run down the Governing Meridian (a major channel in your acupuncture system).  Magnetic energy flows through your entire body instantly and carries out the intention to either release the negative energy or restore balance to your body’s energy circuit.  This quick procedure is totally non-invasive.

Sessions can be done live or online. The effect is 100% the same as energy travels in an instant.


What can Body Code™ Help?

Releasing energetic imbalances using Body Code has helped people with:

Acid reflux, ADD/ADHD, Addiction, Abdominal Pain, Allergies, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Bed-wetting, Bell’s Palsy, Blood Pressure problems, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel, Chest Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Infections, Colitis, Constipation, Crohn’s Disease, Depression, Diabetes, Digestive problems, Dyslexia, Eating disorders, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Hip Pain, Hormonal problems, Hypoglycemia, Hypo/hyperthyroidism, Infertility, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel (IBS), Knee Pain, Lupus, Migraines, Morning Sickness, Multiple Sclerosis, Neck Pain, Night Terrors, Obesity/overweight, Organ malfunction, Panic attacks, Phobias, PTSD, Sciatica, Sinus problems, Skin problems, Tennis elbow, Tinnitus, Vertigo, Pregnancy problems

Global Energy Method

The Global Energy Method (G.E.M)


The Global Energy Method (G.E.M) is an in-depth quantum healing concept that brings healing strategies from around the world together with psychology and in-depth knowledge of neuroscience, biology, physiology and clinical nutrition to give each certified practitioner the skills to achieve the better permanent results for their clients with each individual session.

Global Energy Method (G.E.M)  is a comprehensive, evolutionary, energy healing modality that penetrates deep levels of the subconscious mind, permanently releasing and reshaping the energy of trauma to drive profound psychological and physical change.

Energy medicine is now studied in clinical settings and is a necessary subject of study to obtain psychology certifications and degrees. The Global Energy Methodâ„¢ is the first energy healing modality that has been accepted as having the level and quality of an educational act to become a continuing education provider for naturopathic specialists, introducing the instruments  energy medicine for the clinical community!


Geopathic Stress

Stres Geoptic

What is Geopathic Stress?


Geopathic Stress is a term used to describe the variety of energies emanating from the Earth that rise up and become distorted by manmade and natural sources that can then result in discomfort, weak immune systems and/or ill health to human beings, animals and plants. These arise due to a disturbance in the Earth’s electromagnetic field, which becomes distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean running water, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. Geopathic stress does not cause any illness but lowers your immune system and your ability to fight off viruses and bacterium as per many documented cases and research.


Signs of geopathic stress

  • Drained energy  

  • Mentally worn down

  • Grinding teeth

  • Insomnia (disturbed sleep)

  • Frequent health problems

  • Lowered immunity

  • Brain fog

  • Lack of mind focus

  • Emotional, relationship, financial blockages

  • In shops or companies’ locations, blocked or lowering sales. 

  • Blocked creativity

  • Irrational mood swings

  • Rheumatism

  • General Tiredness

  • Depression

  • Repeated visits to the Doctor

  • Bad tempered

  • Problems at work

  • Negative nature

  • Domestic disharmony

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Restless or fretful babies

  • Bad dreams/nightmares

  • Hyperactive children


Book a Geopathic Stress Audit


What is ‘Dowsing’?

Dowsing or info energetics is the method by which using certain instruments such as pendulums or wands in the shape of "L" (energy rods), it is possible to receive the subtle energy signals of some elements that require to be visibly delimited and identified. It is a technique that has been attested and used thousands of years ago, both in China (4,000 years ago), in the Ancient Rome and Egypt, with the help of which the places for drinking water, healthy energy spaces, gold and oil deposits were identified and as well as lost objects and persons.

Most traditional cultures have an awareness of the potential for certain sites on the earth that bring about health and in some cases sickness. 

In modern times, many do not understand the huge impact that geopathic stress has on our health in the environments that we live and work in.   As the earth is alive in an energetic and geomantic sense, you can begin to comprehend how the imbalances in the landscape can impact upon us as inhabitants.

How do you detect + fix Geopathic Stress in a house?

The role of dowsing techniques is to identify these imbalances in your house or workplace and implement remedies or actions that need to be taken. Dowsing rods are used in this process of locating geopathic stress.  

How is an audit performed?

The main geopathic stressors that are identified and located by dowsing in Geopathic Stress Audits are:

  • Negative Geomagnetic Lines

  • Underground Water Courses

  • Negative Psychic Impressions

  • Personal Interference Lines 

  • Hartmann and Curry grid


You can opt for:


An on-spot audit 

Through the process of dowsing (using dowsing rods) we can identify and locate each negative Geopathic Stress in your home and/or workplace and remedy them with a specific, hand-made cure to fix the particular stress.


An online audit 

Using the plan of your house and the location/ orientation of your house on Google maps and the pendulum dowsing method, the geopathic stress affecting each of your house rooms will be identified and specific instructions will be given to apply the corrections.


Results after correction

The results from clearing geopathic stress are instant, providing quick relief for those who have lived with the effects of Geopathic stress for some time.

Although it take a week or so for the full benefits to be noticed as the earth is releasing these energies, which depends on the severity and amount of geopathic stress being cleared.  People often comment that the house feels clearer and less tense in areas that have been just remedied after the audit.

The most common feedback after a Geopathic Stress Audit has been:

  • Better quality of sleep

  • Less uncomfortable feelings in rooms

  • House feels lighter + calmer.

  • People feel calmer and better emotionally + psychologically.

  • Less physical discomfort

  • Feeling happier in house + life

  • Feeling less ‘stuck’ in life.


A Geopathic Stress Audit is a worthwhile investment as a preventative health measure for the health of you and your family. It’s better than waiting for a problem to develop and reacting down the track often with a lot of ill health noticed to get to that point.


Book a Geopathic Stress Audit


Signs that you may have Geopathic Stress in your house.

You may have already noticed these Geopathic stressors around your house adversely affecting the health of animals, plants, humans and/or the building by any of the following:

Issues with Animals and Plant Health:

  • Areas of your garden that always die or don’t thrive, no matter what you plant

  • Problems with wasps, bees, ants, termites, slugs, snails, owls, snakes and/or spiders in the past

  • Noticing a particular area your cat likes to sleep on (cats like to sleep on geopathic stress)

  • Trees and plants that grow with twisted trees, cankers (cancer like knots in trunks), bare lawn patches, stunted growth, gaps in hedges and/or infertile fruit trees

  • Thriving plants such as: cactus, oaks, ivy, fungi, willow, ferns and/or nightshades etc.

Issues with Human Health:

  • Illness/ Bad Health since living in your home

  • Unexplained illnesses

  • Immune system disorders (constantly get the flu, earaches, stomach aches)

  • Tendency for cancerous tumors

  • Sleep symptoms (insomnia, heart palpitations, bed wetting, babies continuously crying, children turning around in bed during sleep, waking through the night, wake unrefreshed etc.)

  • Hormonal problems (such as infertility)

  • Repeated miscarriages

  • SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)

  • Mental and behavioral disorders (depression, addiction, obsessions, anxieties, panic attacks)

  • Chronic degenerative and neurological diseases

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Fatigue, run down, exhaustion, restlessness, poor concentration.

  • Weight loss, Appetite loss,

  • Allergies to foods

  • Headaches/ Migraines/ Joint pain

  • Resistance to medical and/or other treatments

  • Electrical sensitivities

  • Learning disabilities

  • You feel better when you are away from your house or sleep in a different room


Issues with Building & Structure: 

  • Cracks in bricks, plaster boards and/or concrete foundations

  • Constant electrical and/or mechanical breakdowns (lightbulbs blow continually)

  • Constant graffiti and/or vandalism

  • Theft/ burglary

  • Inexplicable odd ‘buzzing on phone.’

  • Clutter accumulation in certain areas of your house or yard

  • Areas of a room that are inexplicably cold or damp or have strange smells.

  • Building seems to deteriorate quickly (peeling or chipped paint shortly after being painted- not from workmanship)

  • Things constantly being broken or dropped.

  • Above average prevalence of spiders


Research on Geopathic Stress and its effects on Health


Geopathic Stress has been found to be associated as the most common factor with the most serious and long-term illnesses and psychological conditions (Olsen & Benis 2017).


For over 80 years, there has been research in the German medical profession, which recognises millions of cases of cancer and later that it needed to be dealt with prior to any treatments being effective and that the body could repair itself (Gordon 2017).




There are many symptoms and diseases that the effects of geopathic stress on people span, which are a result from a breakdown of the body’s functions and immune system.

The most famous study of cancer beds was conducted by Baron Gustav von Pohl in southern Germany during the early 1930’s. Under observation from authorities in the town of Vilsiburg he was able to locate by dowsing, 100% of all homes where people had previously died of cancer. He was also able to pinpoint the exact seat of the cancer by finding which part of the bed the radiations were affecting in most cases (Moore 2010).

Since then, various research projects have been conducted with the most extensive one undertaken through a research grant in the 1970’s in Austria by Kathe Bachler. He dowsed 3,000 apartments in 14 countries and interviewed 11,000 people. He concluded that 95% of the ‘problem’ children that she investigated slept in beds or worked at school desks placed at harmful sites. She also checked a sample of 500 cancer cases with 100% of them found to be sleeping over harmful radiation of geopathic stress sites (Olsen & Benis 2017).


Also in another study, it is also pointed out that cancer tumors often develop where two or more Geopathic stress lines cross. Gordon (2017), notes that from his extensive studies one is unlikely to develop cancer unless one has slept or stayed for long periods in geopathic stress places.




Gordon, R. 2017, Geopathic Stress, (Online), Available: (1 July 2017).


Moore, A. (2010). Diving Earth Spirit, Python Press, Castlemaine.


Olsen, A. and Benis, K. (2017). Geobiology Manual.  Australian College of Environmental Studies. Melbourne.


Riggs, R. 2017, Understanding Geopathic & Electromagnetic Stress (Online), Available: (1 July 2017).

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