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Session Free 20 Minutes


If you have questions like the ones below or even others that you can't find answers to and that you think are related to you or your home ... It's simple!

  • ï‚· Did you know that the energy in your home can be the cause of illness and blockage in your life? The pathogenic stress lines of the earth but also the negative feng shui energy sectors in which you live without realizing it can reduce energy and weaken the immune system, can affect sleep and emotional state. More importantly, it affects the energy and the way people in the house relate to each other.


  • ï‚· Do you want to know the energy level in the house, to find an estimate of the negative energy lines and how to fix them definitively? Just like in your home, a modern office or workspace can be "easily contaminated" with harmful energies, hitting you when you're the most stressed!


  • ï‚· Look around you, will you and your colleagues feel good all the time? How do you feel when you get to work?

Write me on the form below the topic or idea that worries you the most and I will

answer all the questions about your energy and where you spend the most

long time!

When I receive your message, I will give you a message and we will set the date and time together when we will

could contact! Until then, write down the list of questions you want answered!


Your message has started!
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