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Do you really want a baby but have problems conceiving?


Do you feel like you are on a never-ending road in the process of conceiving a child?


Are you pregnant and experiencing negative emotions?


Negative emotions from the pregnancy are always taken over by the child, marking them later on
different aspects of life

The road to pregnancy and conception can be a difficult one, filled with a wide range of emotions, from hope to sadness or disappointment. The longer the process lasts, the more the state of mind suffers, the couple's relationship is put to the test and the mother goes through a yo-yo of emotions and feelings. If you are facing these problems, you need to know that you are not alone, that although they seem difficult to manage, you will be able to successfully navigate this period to fulfill your desire to become a mother.

Image by Alex Pasarelu

Schedule a free consultation, or a session of Biogeometry, Body &


Emotion Code or Energetic Clearing, to holistically address the issues you face. We will work together, "from the root" and manage the causes, but also the effects on your body or psyche.

In theory, a natural, fulfilling experience. In practice, a series of unsuccessful attempts, which frustrates and saddens you. You constantly wonder why you can't get the pregnancy you want, but you have to know that for 10-30% of couples, infertility remains a mystery, despite all the tests. Emotions, inherited energies, misalignments in the body, toxins, pathogenic loads and many others can affect your ability to have a child.


If the physical tests confirm the possibility of a pregnancy and yet no matter what you do, you cannot get pregnant, it is time to work on yourself, on dissipating the energies that block your body from "giving free" to the pregnancy and the new life. SEE Diana's success story!

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